Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The Poet's Corner

Hey fellow teens.If any of you out there dig poetry, this is the section to look for. Today's poem is called "An Ode For Hamlet" and with no further ado here it is:

The trees remain standing while blooming petals sprout like newborn phoenixes.
the sun shines not denying what the moon decided to hide,
To not shine but set aglow,
To set upon a believing lie
Like the one that reflects into the mirror
As eyes take in from the candlelight.
But what use is to fold upon remembrance
The moon is now nestled in dreams
As the sun is arisenApparent
Not hidden or transparent.
Giving light to a world of for-ever colors.
Now dearest friend tell me of your troubles,
that remain folded like a secret upon your breast
as I dwell in the corners of my mind upon a bench where your world dwells upon the branches of my own.
{Alone }
Sitting like you once were,unknowledgeable of sudden decisions
caught in the tumult of present moving surroundings.
Trying to catch on to your goal's envision.
Your heart pounding
Emotions shaking your every nerve
That has become connected to your soul
And penetrated a trigger
That now scrapes at your heart.
Tell me, I want to know.
And maybe I will tell you of my own.
For I will remain here upon this seat
Listening to every beat of your voice of your every word,
as the symphony carries towards and backwards,
Don't worry I won't interruptOr make you seem absurd.
I have known the feeling rather wellAnd it was never pleasantIt was acknowledgable I had no prescence.Right now can you keep me company?I remain at a standstill.Life has given me enough fillThat right now I'm "quite put" as you.Yes, I know your story but maybe I want to occupy my head I want to hear again,I want to be consented with your wordsI want you to be the one to be heard first. the only moment that exists is this.where my feet remain on the floor,this floorsomehow carressing the door but not holding unto the weight of bouldersthat I effortlessly must've taken with me upon my shoulders.Well dont you feel that wayIts understandable to stand up your anger coloring you crimsonOverspilling and eating away the moral partition.And passion will fall from your mouthTo let it all outBreak the damnAnd forget the surrowthe oh so bittersweet surrow.But now that you sit with meLetting it all be what it be,Don't you feelDon't you think:
where did it all go?
Did it fall away within the crescent of the moonDit it went away in through the hiatus of time
Why so soon?
I don't know what to tell you,
their faces never stop rotating inside my head,
as if they were my electrons holding me into one place,
there is no orderno precise timeline.
somehow time still resists and refuses me
but not keeping away this moment this now.
and i think you just now unravelled me from where i stood bare and raw.
and now they dance in my headlike the simple twinkle of a light so bright,
so warm,
so loving like the light that shines and threatens to blind me right now
that i know penetrates your skin
your every pore that surrounds your very core
and i smile beside these tears that slide
that remind me of all those times
all those small moments that hide but still shine.
but still make me cry.i smile upon the sun that does not deny me
not defy me
becuase i know we'll never fade.
for skin may turn to dust.
and our bones will be the crust
.but we will still have a hold unto this magnificent thing.
like the beautiful birth of a newborn,
so tender,
so ...humane.
something that will make our joy spring
out of a foam similar to that of the sea
where Venus once came.
now I must go
Dear Friend
for life calls me to come along for the grand big show
Shining just ahead,
Calling me from up the road.
Dont worry for there will be days that I will sit on this very bench
Hear of your troubles and comprehend
Laugh at those days
But continue on
To work hard
Be strong
No matter the offenses
No matter our pretenses
Here the blossoms will remain
to shine with the help of the sunlight
that does not deny
from the time we will refrain to keep,
to see again and again.

if any of you teen poets out there want to show off your poets skillz or want to express, etc email me your poems at elysha45@gmail.com and they will appear here at the Teen Poets Corner of Rated T for Teen

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